Cosmetologist Brandi Henson Says Her Secret for Business Longevity Is Having Fun

Brandi Henson is the owner of Clippers Hair Salon in Newnan and she is one of the lucky people who gets the chance to do what she loves for a living. There’s a saying that if you choose a job that you love, you’ll never have to work a day in your life, and Henson certainly fits the bill. Her salon is a constant source of good humor and she works alongside people that are more her friends than co-workers or employees. “Hardly feels like work sometimes,” Henson says.

The salon owner has been working in the industry since she was a teenager, got her cosmetology license in 1998 and finally purchased Clippers from one of its many owners in 2005. She kept the name, but changed the location after a few years since she wanted something bigger and better. Luckily, her best clients were happy to move right along with her.

The cheery and friendly atmosphere she manages to maintain in her salon is the result of her casual, laid-back and fairly democratic style of employment: “We’re a very laid back group of individuals, so we place a lot of emphasis on how someone will fit in with our dynamic.”

Experience and talent for the craft are important traits to find in the aspiring stylists at Clippers, but Henson makes sure the new employees fit well within the already established group. “We’re a very tight unit, so we know when someone isn’t going to fit,” Henson added when asked about her employment tactics.

The close-knit micro-community and genuine enjoyment for the trade are important at Clippers, because they keep the salon running smoothly. With employees that have been around for as long as 15 years and plenty of loyal, long-term customers, the salon relies on its family-like dynamic and fun atmosphere for its longevity.