“Cosmetologist Dad” Brings Fame to Pueblo, CO and Receives Award

Single father Greg Wickherst is devoted to his little girl Izzy. He likes to make her look pretty since her mom isn’t around, and decided to do something about it so he could give her something other than a ponytail. His wish to fill the role traditionally assumed by young girls’ mothers led him to enroll in a Pueblo, Colorado cosmetology school so he could develop the skills he needs to make Izzy look her best. After just a few lessons, he was doing hair and makeup like a pro – at least professional enough for his young daughter.

Doing her hair has become a bonding experience that Greg and Izzy go through before school and before weekend outings to the children’s museum. Wickherst’s zest for taking care of his daughter led him to create a Facebook page that gives tutorials on how to do toddler’s hair. It is called Greg Wickherst’s Dads Guide to Surviving Hair.

And now Wickherst has garnered worldwide media attention! Then, much to his surprise, the City of Pueblo gave him an award in March 2015 to recognize the positive attention he has brought to the city.

Not surprisingly, he has inspired a movement. Single and married parents alike tell him that he has inspired them. The local beauty college even started a program where dads bring their little girls in to learn how to style their hair!

Cosmetology is new to Wickherst, who has worn a shaved head for 15 years, ever since his hair started thinning. He doesn’t understand the fuss that is being made about him, because he feels that he is just being a dad. And all of this because he didn’t want to just give Izzy a ponytail or cut her bangs!